Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do you realized this sometimes?

As long as you grow up, your parents grow older.Most of the times away from you also.

I saw the movie Baghban(before long time),And today sudden thought came in mind to write something on this.How often you talk to your parents and share your thoughts to them?
In the older age of parents, they have unexpressed feeling that their children should share the thoughts with them, which they were used to at their teenage   and care for them .For most of the times , parents are being asked for their well beingness just for formality.

They have hidden sadness in their minds, which they dont express.Its their greatness ,that they see , their children have no time for them. but dont utter a word.In older people tends to have pains in muscles or bones etc.But they just ignore it and bear it .have you ever asked them if they have any pain? If not please ask.Their half pain will be relieved only because of this healing talks.
Search for Therapist in your area to relieve their pain  and consult them , even its minor pain

Let your parents feel the comfort with your  young attitude, dont let them feel alone. Give some time to them. They are Just the Gods and their blessings are always with us. But those who never hurt their parents and have lot of care for them, get their' parents heartly blessings.

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