Nowadays, Facebook is on mind of young people.As every coin has two sides ,It solely depends on how anyone takes it.I thought of writing on this ,As I read few of its stories on TOI and some other resources.
like 1/3rd divorses due to Facebook,suicides due to someone has unfriended someone,One Lecturer had to go in Jail for Criticizing Blangla Desh Prime minister on FB
Why people take it so much personally?.Facebook played much to the emotions of people by putting functionality like 'Like' .
I think its a social network. So It should be used for enjoyment and knowledge sharing and not for making people feeling guilty or emotional injury.
I would like to request FB founders to remove this 'Like' and 'Unfriend ' functionality and add other functionality which people will enjoy...
like 1/3rd divorses due to Facebook,suicides due to someone has unfriended someone,One Lecturer had to go in Jail for Criticizing Blangla Desh Prime minister on FB
Why people take it so much personally?.Facebook played much to the emotions of people by putting functionality like 'Like' .
I think its a social network. So It should be used for enjoyment and knowledge sharing and not for making people feeling guilty or emotional injury.
I would like to request FB founders to remove this 'Like' and 'Unfriend ' functionality and add other functionality which people will enjoy...