Saturday, August 28, 2010

This is the fact ..Lets look into it seriously.. If you already know , U r gr8.....

Hey folks,

        If  are creative , quick learner and grasper  and having all the great attitudes  but you are not diplomatic,Then its a big loophole of your personality.
Having Childish behaviour  is enjoyable till some extent and in respective scopes.
To specify these scopes,I would like to give some examples
 1)When you are with your friends and family or colleagues , and  enjoying leisure time.
 2)Its the party time and you all want to crack jokes
But dont allow this attitude to step into scopes which requires extreme seriousness.and if this happens
It will really  give the undesired reflections.Be alert while such situations
For serious scopes like
1)Its time if  you are getting validated for your abilities like exams,interviews,competitions.
2)you are dealing with the person with high authorities and everything you do plays very important role for your success or Failure example onsite client.

Being Diplomatic and Being Alert means not  taking the things badly and thinking of resultant of your actions and preventing it.
Avoid complaining or if required present the complaint in positive manner

Another thing!!
Again this is the thing which is to be controlled depending on different scenarios.
For getting the things done for you, you need to pause Straightforwardness somewhere.

One more thing!! :)
If you are in new environment.dont act like introvert. try to make them comfortable  with good communication

So Be Diplomatic with required straightforwardness and still enjoy the seriousness

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pull Out The Laughter In you. Dont Miss It In Your Life :)

Having good sense of humour, is the best asset that anyone can have .Thats the hidden ability of everyone. Some people restrict themself for  getting this  joy as their minds are controlled by various other factors for which they are worried.People who has accomplished to discover this talent ,realy become happy  in any circumastances.

So why waiting , start cultivating this talent , which brings smile on  every ones face.
here I will enlist  links for triggering the sense of humour in you..

Feel Good with Meditation !!!

For students,professionals or business peoples or any indivisual  who is undergoing lot of stress and tensions,Is required to listen meditational music.This meditational music is the collections of  alpha and beta waves at required frequencies.

Slip on your headphones, close your eyes and let the rich resonant tones of harmonically layered frequencies effortlessly guide you into the flow state of expanded consciousness. Frustrating mental blocks dissolve. You can think and perceive with crystal clarity. You feel invigorated as fresh neural pathways are opened to effortlessly access more of your untapped ability to learn, recall and create new ideas.

Positive thoughts produce positive results. The only problem is that some of our most persistent, self-defeating beliefs are stored deep in the unconscious mind, where they have the power to undermine our happiness and sabotage our success. Now you can effortlessly change those negative inner tapes to produce the results you want with this meditational music.
A special combination of brain wave frequencies are harmonically layered in soothing music to trigger heightened states of receptivity. Here, the unconscious is primed to receive and act on a new set of ideas. Subliminal messages are deeply absorbed by the unconscious to immediately and positively impact your sense of self, your creativity, and the dynamic expression of your power in the world.

so search for meditation music  and download

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Whys and Wherefores are important to reach to root cause and solutions

Have you ever find yourself in stumbling  and jumbling situations ??
         Have you ever come across the situation that puts a question mark and makes you      thinking ''What  next?"   

                     I would like to put some thoughts on this
Any question arises is like a leaf of  tree And solution is like the root of the tree.If you want to  reach to root  from this leaf, you need to traverse from its branch, its parent branch es and finaly to main branch of tree and root.

The complexity of  any problem or situation  depends on at what level of branch  your problem is residing (this case is like leaf). You  can reach to  solution(root) ,If you identifed the depth  to root and  the parent  branches coming across.

Now the question is how to traverse to root.And the answer is step by step by querying
parent branches ,I mean to say  ask lot of questions . So be Curious always
