Saturday, October 21, 2017

If Human nature is Preventive or Curative ?

In real life , there are few people who believe in forecast and prevention of the implications before it actually takes place.
For Example
In most of the eCommerce & online retail sites we find the products like Anti Pollution masks but
did you ever find the product which can be attached to vehicle  and suppress the polluted air before it enters into environment.

There are few electrical vehicles available but It may take many years  for everyone when they will start using these vehicles ..

I hope someone from automobile industries can device such product , that can be attached to the vehicle & prevents air pollution , And govt will make it mandatory for everyone to use it

Saturday, September 16, 2017

What's trending today ?

Something running in the movie theaters & going viral in social media becomes the trend..  Media and Social Media has huge impact on the technology driven social life ..

In most of the Hindi Movies Romance and Fights  is the center of attraction , so we can see it's echo in the society.

Such movies should be created not only for entertainment but for building the strong society. It should give the moral message and people will amend in their life as trend.

Through some movie, if we spread the importance of cleanliness & moral habits etc then automatically it will become the trend..

Hope such stories will be written & directed soon ..

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Unlock your unknown potentials !!

Very few people are in the myth, that they know everything about themselves.but the fact is that , still there is much to discover about it...
You must be thinking this is the talk in the air, but it is not ..  the fact is, you do not get enough time to explore in yourself. so find some time for yourself as well in the busy life devoted for everyone else except you...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Music,Smile, Emotions ,Love,Happiness & all other  Expressions has no language ,no religions. It originates from the soul or heart .  and whenever something comes from heart or soul, It is more natural & the best . It is not racial. We divide ourselves by the the myth of the words like 'It's mine' , 'It ours','It belongs to' and fight for it.

World is more beautiful , when seen with purity of the spirit with no traces of hatred ,anger ,egoism & all the negativity that comes to mind.

Friday, September 4, 2015

What is the feel good factor in your life?

Do Good -- Feel Good Or  Feel Good  -- Do Good
According to me feeling good makes you doing good . To be  Continued...

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Salt Therapy :An effective way to get rid of breathing problems including cough and cold

In Boiling water , add  handful of salt  and inhale its vapors  .Continue this practice regularly till  the signs of the problem go away for always.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Positivism Keeps One going & Stress free

No matter how trivial the circumstances around , but being self-motivated and not being turned down in any damn negativity, is an essential factor to lead a stress free life. (though it is quite challenging)

Positive motivating and encouraging culture reflects productivity,happiness ( & all the positive attitudes)   among individuals which ultimately gives positive results .  But it may not be the case always. Expecting it from surrounding is not helpful always. There is nothing wrong to   build healthy minds around and build a strong mind within ourselves. Just try .. try ..& Keep trying.